GRANBY – Cotton candy, tie-dyed T-shirts and even houseplants were among the offerings at the recent Challenge for Change festival held by students at Granby Junior-Senior High School to raise money to help out Greg Mortenson`s Central Asia Institute. ... He has written about his efforts in his best-selling book “Three Cups of Tea,” which has been a common read in the school system as part of programs organized by high school library and media specialist Christina J. Brownell.
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By Katy Snyder, JVA Consulting In the last week or so, a firestorm has been brewing over the validity of some of the stories in Greg Mortenson`s books, Three Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools, and the financial practices of& ...
Central Asia Institute: A nonprofit organization. Community based education ... August 19, 2013: A message from CAI Co-founder Greg Mortenson on World Humanitarian Day | by Central Asia Institute. August 19, 2013: A& ...
Serving on these boards is about ensuring that organizations are sustainable and can help those in need for many years to come. PHOTO: Greg Mortenson poses with Sitara “Star” schoolchildren in Wakhan, northeastern& ...
GRANBY – Cotton candy, tie-dyed T-shirts and even houseplants were among the offerings at the recent Challenge for Change festival held by students at Granby Junior-Senior High School to raise money to help out Greg Mortenson`s Central Asia Institute. ... He has written about his efforts in his best-selling book “Three Cups of Tea,” which has been a common read in the school system as part of programs organized by high school library and media specialist Christina J. Brownell.
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